Website Privacy Policy

Site users agree that Runday has the right to receive and include personal data provided by these users in the personal data database, to process this personal data and, if necessary, to transfer such personal data to third parties exclusively in cases provided for by the current legislation of Ukraine. Postal addresses and personal data of visitors are not disclosed. Runday maintains appropriate technical and organizational security measures designed to protect personal data provided/reported by site visitors from accidental, unlawful, unauthorized destruction, loss, alteration, access, disclosure or use. For your convenience, services on the rundey website may contain links to other websites. We are not responsible for the privacy policies or content of these sites. If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact us at This policy applies only to information collected on the rundaу website and web applications that operate within this site.

Access to Information

Runday provides access to personal information to other companies and individuals unrelated to Runday only under the following limited circumstances:

  • User's consent: The Company requires the User's explicit consent to transfer any confidential information. Runday provides such information to subsidiaries and affiliates, as well as other trusted organizations and individuals, only for the purpose of processing information on our behalf.
  • Legal obligations: Runday has reason to believe that access, use, retention or disclosure of such information is necessary to: Comply with any applicable laws, regulations, or valid requests from government agencies; Investigate potential violations; To detect and prevent fraudulent actions, as well as to resolve security problems and eliminate technical malfunctions.


Cookies are text files that are stored on your web browser and that help distinguish your web browser from other visitors' web browsers. Cookies created on your computer using our web resource do not threaten your privacy and privacy. Cookies are used to identify and track the actions of any user of this website. Information obtained about the visitor is stored on the server as the user's personal data.

Personal Data Storage

Runday stores personal data for as long as is necessary to perform the functions for which the data is collected, except where otherwise required by law.

Information Protection

Runday takes all necessary measures to protect data from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure or destruction. These measures include, in particular, internal audits of data collection, storage and processing processes and security measures, including appropriate encryption and physical data security measures to prevent unauthorized access to the systems in which we store personal data. Runday grants access to user information only to those employees, contractors and agents who need to have this information to carry out operations performed on our behalf.

Changes to this Privacy Policy

By using the Programs, the User has accepted the terms of this Runday Privacy Policy and is aware that this Privacy Policy may change from time to time. Changes made to the privacy policy are published by Runday on this page. For questions about the privacy policy, the User can contact Runday through the website or using the e-mail:

General Provisions

RUNDAY.ORG (hereinafter - Runday) is a social initiative aimed at organizing open weekly 5-kilometer runs for everyone with timekeeping and publication of run results on the website.

Intellectual Property

Information, photo and video materials, names, names, trademarks for goods and services, logos, slogans, graphic design elements and other objects (hereinafter collectively - Materials) posted on this website belong to Runday and are subject to legal protection in accordance with the provisions of national legislation and norms international law. Any use of materials, links to materials, downloading, copying of Materials without the prior permission of Runday is prohibited. All intellectual property rights to this website belong to Runday. Any copying or other use of this website, including website elements for any purpose without the prior permission of Runday is prohibited.

Limitation of Liability, Disclaimer of Warranties and Indemnification

To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law, Runday shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or other damages, including but not limited to property damage, loss of use, loss of business, economic loss, loss of data or lost profits, arising out of or in connection with your use of or access to the Site, or inability to use or access the Runday Site or its content. Runday will use its best efforts to ensure the accuracy of all information and Materials that are posted on the website. However, Runday cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information and Materials and is not liable for and has no financial obligations for the accuracy, completeness and reliability of any information and Materials that are posted on the website. We do not guarantee that the operation of this site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that this site is free of viruses or other components that may harm hardware or software. Runday does not guarantee that the website will be compatible with the hardware or software you may use, and does not guarantee that the website will work all the time or at any time. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold harmless Runday from any liability or damages arising out of your breach of the Terms of Use of the Site, or your use of the Runday Site. Runday is not responsible for the operation of other websites, links to which may be posted on this website, for the unlawful acts of third parties, for the downloading of any Materials, for the technical impossibility of using this website.

Limitation or blocking of access to the site

In case of violation of these Terms of Use of the Site, including in case of using the Runday Site or individual elements of the Runday Site not for their intended purpose, access to the Runday Site may be limited or blocked. Runday generally reserves the right to partially or completely change, block or terminate the operation of the Runday Site or its content at any time and for any reason.

Choice of Law, Jurisdiction and Venue

Use of the Runday Site and these Terms of Use of the Site is governed by the laws of Ukraine. Unless otherwise provided by law, the courts of Ukraine shall have exclusive jurisdiction and shall be the sole forum for the resolution of any dispute arising out of or in connection with the use of the Runday Site or these Terms of Use of the Site.

Other Conditions

If any provision of these Terms of Use of the Site is invalid or held to be invalid by a court, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions. Runday reserves the right to make changes to the Terms and Rules of Use of the Site, published on this website. If you have any questions about the use of materials, the work of the website, please contact a Runday representative by e-mail or phone number indicated here.

Race Organizer Liability Limitation

Each race participant voluntarily participates in the races, recognizing and understanding all possible risks to their own health during and after the races. Each race participant takes personal responsibility for their physical condition and ability to participate and complete the race. Each race participant is personally responsible for their own safety during participation in the races. The race organizer is not responsible for physical injuries, damage, deterioration of physical condition, which the race participant suffered during the race. The race organizer is not responsible for the deterioration of the physical condition of the race participant after the race. The race organizer is not responsible for any damage to the health, property of participants or spectators of the races - caused before, during, after the races by other participants, spectators, third parties.

@2024 Runday. All rights reserved